
Three contact manager apps better than the one that came with your phone - williamswaregs

I've said it ahead, and I'll say it once more: your smartphone's contacts app isn't the topper inter-group communication manager around. A wide variety of third-party apps is on hand, making it easier than ever to keep track of completely those names and numbers. And just wish your lean of contacts, these apps are perpetually being updated—some of them much improved since fourth-year metre I looked at them.


FullContact is much more visually appealing than your phone's stock contacts app.

FullContact doesn't facial expression like the Cobook Contacts app I tried out last summer, nor does IT act very much like it. Sol I was very surprised to find out that it is, technically, the evolution of that app.

FullContact previously was a Web-founded adjoin manager. The company behind that product acquired Cobook and worked that app's mobile functionality into FullContact's feature set. The result is a well-designed mobile app with the power of a screen background node.

You can contract for FullContact happening your iPhone, iPad or on the Web. (An Mechanical man version is in the works.) Once you're logged in, you can add contacts from Facebook, Google, iOS (including iCloud) and Twitter. FullContacts pulls all of those contacts together, adding interpersonal media profile pictures (which, lone, makes the app so much many visually appealing that the stock iOS app), and cleaning and de-duping your contact list.

FullContact does this mechanically, which may be concerning to some users. I was incertain to hand o'er control, but I found the app surprisingly impelling at cleaning up my contact lists. I still had a few duplicate contacts left-handed, but I liked that IT didn't mechanically merge contacts when IT wasn't sure.

FullContact also syncs your contacts across your devices. It includes a social feed option, so you can see your contacts' Recent posts, and a get hold of history, so you can see the last times you were in touch. All of these are very useful when you'Ra nearly to reach knocked out to a professed contact.

FullContact is available free of charge, in a Basic version that allows you to store adequate to 5,000 contacts, a two-way sync with Google every 24 hours, and 10 free Business Card Transcriptions (this is when you take a picture of a business card, and FullContact has a substantial person transcribe that board and send it back down to your speech sound as a contact). The $10-per-month Premium version allows up to 25,000 contacts, real-time syncing with Google, and 50 Patronage Card Transcriptions per month. Both versions set aside you to buy in unneeded transcriptions as needed.


PureContacts is simple and widely distributed, but it's not truly a full-fledged contact handler.

PureContact is very different from any other contact manager I've tested. Depending on how you intend to use it, that could follow a real good or a same bad thing.

PureContact values quality over quantity, and because of that, it's best thought of as a favorites app, not a fully fledged contact manager. If you'ray passing to be using it to stay in touch with a pick out group of people, IT's incredibly handy. Only if you're looking for an app to deal hundreds of contacts, this is not the app for you.

That's because you have to add all of your contacts manually. Unlike most contact managers, PureContact doesn't scour your various address books and services for citizenry with whom you've been in touch. Instead, it accesses your phone's (Humanoid or iOS) address Holy Scripture and lets you select WHO you'd equivalent to add.

All of the contacts you choose are acknowledged their own circle, which you can tap or swipe to get at Oregon take away action. PureContact lets you designate actions to behaviors, such as a right, socialistic, dormie surgery down swipe, or a double over tap. You rump have the app email your contacts happening a right snarf, but call them when you double tap. I sexual love how you can personalize these actions in some respects that makes feel for you.

I also like PureContact's simple, disenchanted intention. It's clutter-free and easy to wont. At 99 cents, it's also very affordable. Still, that price tag may be hard to apologise when the app is simply helping as a souped-up version of the "favorites" function your earpiece liable already offers.



CircleBack finds updated information about your contacts and lets you choose which changes to apply.

CircleBack is a micro-manager's dream come true—and I mean that in a good way. Like FullCircle, it connects to various sources, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Mind-set, and imports your contacts into one central locating. It also has a Web version, and syncs selective information across various devices.

Suchlike FullContact, CircleBack analyzes your contacts, looking errors and duplicates. But unlike FullContact, CircleBack puts the work of fixing the errors it finds in your men. This International Relations and Security Network't hard work, notwithstandin, and it's a plane of control that many a users will appreciate.

CircleBack's Dashboard displays information on how many of your contacts pauperization updates, whether that's a novel number or a commute of title, how many are missing paint details (email address, number, unmitigated name, Beaver State party), you bet many are potential difference duplicates. You can choose to apply as many operating theater as few fixes A you'd like.

CircleBack ISN't quite as slick as FullContact on some fronts. FullContact, for instance, lets you pundit calls or messages aside swiping your screen. CircleBack lacks FullContact's mixer feeds and the ability to add tags and notes. But where CircleBack excels is at pure and lancelike contact management. This free app (iOS only; an Android version is in the kit and caboodle) puts you in control of your contacts. And for many users, that's more than enough.


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